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Meet the Chiefs: Santosh Dave

Meet Santosh Dave, Paragon’s Chief Information Officer. Read the full article to learn more about how he came to work for Paragon.
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Meet Santosh Dave, Paragon’s Chief Information Officer. He started his career in India after graduating with an Electrical Engineering degree. Santosh spent 14 years working in India before he, his wife Shail, and their two kids moved to the United States. For Santosh, the move across the globe meant he would have to start his professional journey over, in a sense. Since then, he has held various Information Technology and Operations leadership positions at major corporations, including Sprint, General Electric, and Wells Fargo.

In 2008, another big shift occurred in his life with a switch to the healthcare industry. He truly felt like he had the opportunity of a lifetime to bring his knowledge of technology to the healthcare sector to improve the quality of life for the patients they served.

Throughout Santosh’s life, he has always strived to better himself and the world around him. He described his service in Oncology as gratifying and something that would ultimately lead him to his new home at Paragon Healthcare. “I want to be known as someone who helped people discover their hidden talent and deployed innovative solutions to ease inconvenience to patients,” Santosh shared. “The Paragon Family attracted me by its unique and sincere dedication to patients and people. In addition, I see a fantastic opportunity to deploy technology and data analytics for our associates and customers.”

When we asked Santosh about the best piece of advice he had ever been given, he quoted his father: “Anything is possible with a clear vision supported by persistent hard work.” We believe that these words that Santosh has chosen to live by make him an incredible asset to Paragon Healthcare. We look forward to all that we can accomplish with him on our executive leadership team.

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