Ig therapy is radically changing the healthcare industry. There are multiple different therapy options available based on the patient's needs. Read the full article to learn more.
If you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed with a chronic or acute health condition requiring infusion therapy, this message is for you. For patients who will receive their treatment at an outpatient clinic, known as an infusion center, the medication is typically administered intravenously (IV) or subcutaneously (SubQ). This is an alternative way to receive certain medications that cannot be taken orally (by mouth). Many infusions can also be provided in the home setting or other clinical settings, such as hospitals or an infusion suite at a doctor’s office.
When your physician refers you to a clinic, such as Paragon Infusion Centers, to receive your treatment, here are some helpful tips to prepare for your appointment.
Communicate with the center ahead of time. To protect all patients’ private healthcare information, centers will want to speak to you directly about your upcoming appointment. They will avoid leaving detailed messages on your voicemail to protect you, so be sure to keep your phone on and nearby while they are processing your medication order and working on scheduling the appointment. It’s important to note that communications from national companies may not come from a local number but potentially a 1-800 number.
Complete your consent forms ahead of time. If possible, and to save time at the clinic, complete any patient consent forms ahead of time. Many infusion centers will provide these on their website or in an email to you before your appointment. Certain drug therapies may require additional paperwork to be filled out, such as IVIG, Remicade, Rituxan, Vivitrol, or Xolair therapies. If you are unsure what needs to be completed ahead of time, call the center directly.
Bring identification and your current health info to your appointment. On the day of your appointment, be sure to bring your identification, insurance card(s), medical information, and a current list of medications you are taking. The center will need to verify that you are you before they can start the treatment. This is to help prevent any medical accidents or errors. They will also need to keep copies of your insurance and medical information in your patient file for billing, verification, etc.
Research what amenities are provided by the center. Many infusion centers go above and beyond to help patients feel more comfortable for the duration of their therapy. Paragon, for example, offers relaxing recliners, free wifi, complimentary coffee and snacks, televisions, and reading materials. Don’t hesitate to call or research online about additional offerings so that you know what to expect at your appointment.
Bring comfort items and food with you. Depending on how long your infusion will take, you may want to bring things with you to keep you comfortable. Call or research online beforehand to determine if there are items that you can or can’t bring with you. Many centers allow patients to bring blankets, pillows, books, tablets, headphones, snacks, and meals. If you aren’t sure what is acceptable, don’t hesitate to call the location and ask.
Leave early for your appointment. Feeling rushed can cause additional unnecessary stress on the day of your appointment, which can be avoided by leaving early. If you have never been to the location you’re receiving your therapy at, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to drive there, park, and find the office. Many centers will have a standard check-in process that may also require filling out paperwork, and they will appreciate you arriving early.
Know what to expect for the IV. Infusion therapy is administered by nurses and other trained medical professionals. They will be skilled at prepping the medication, ensuring the correct dosage, inserting the needle into your vein or port, monitoring the infusion rate, and keeping an eye on your progress and symptoms for the duration of the treatment. If you have questions or concerns about the IV process, be sure to communicate that to your physician or the nurses who will assist you on the day of your appointment.
Research your medication ahead of time. Every specialty therapy is different and comes with its own side effects, anticipated outcomes, and potential risks. Discuss the treatment with your physician ahead of time to better understand what you can expect from your prescribed treatment. If you have any questions or concerns during your therapy, be sure to ask one of the nurses at the center for assistance.
Paragon Infusion Centers make it possible for patients to receive their infusion therapy in a safe and controlled environment under the care of our highly trained team of nurse practitioners and registered nurses. Contact us today to learn more about our infusion centers or visit our website at https://paragonhealthcare.com/infusion-centers/.
Ig therapy is radically changing the healthcare industry. There are multiple different therapy options available based on the patient's needs. Read the full article to learn more.
If you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed with a chronic or acute health condition requiring infusion therapy, this message is for you. Read the full article to learn helpful tips for preparing for your first infusion.
At Paragon, we work with immunologists from all over the nation to treat immune-related conditions. IVIG, or Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy, is one of the most important and successful therapies for people with primary immunodeficiency diseases (PI). Read the full article to learn more!